E din iec 12c co 196 1986 10 1 10 1986

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E DIN IEC 12C(CO)196:1986-10 1.10.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 12C(CO)196:1986-10 Drawing up descriptive leaflets for transmitters and transposers for sound and television broad-casting; amendment to section one; identical with IEC 12C(Central Office)196.

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Dostupnost: do 7 dnů

E DIN IEC 40(CO)630:1986-10 1.10.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 40(CO)630:1986-10 Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment; IEC 384-10-1; blank detail specification: multilayer ceramic chip capacitors; assessment level E; identical with IEC 40(Central Office)630.

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Dostupnost: do 7 dnů

E DIN IEC 60A(CO)104:1986-10 1.10.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 60A(CO)104:1986-10 Magnetic tape sound recording and reproducing systems; amendment to IEC 94-10; pause lengths within programmes; identical with IEC 60A(Central Office)104.

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E DIN IEC 60A(CO)102:1986-10 1.10.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 60A(CO)102:1986-10 Magnetic tape sound recording and reproducing systems; amendment to IEC 94-3, subclause 12.3.3; identical with IEC 60A(Central Office)102.

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E DIN IEC 12E(CO)118:1986-10 1.10.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 12E(CO)118:1986-10 Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave transmission systems; measurement common to terrestrial radiorelay systems and satellite earth stations; general; identical with IEC 12E(Central Office)118.

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E DIN IEC 40(CO)613:1986-10 1.10.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 40(CO)613:1986-10 Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment; IEC 384-11-1; blank detail specification: polyethylene-terephthalate film dielectric metal foil d.c. capacitors; assessment level E; identical with IEC 40(Central Office)613.

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E DIN IEC 40(CO)615:1986-10 1.10.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 40(CO)615:1986-10 Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment; IEC 384-12-1; blank detail specification: polycarbonate film dielectric metal foil d.c. capacitors; assessment level E; identical with IEC 40(Central Office)615.

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E DIN IEC 40(CO)617:1986-10 1.10.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 40(CO)617:1986-10 Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment; IEC 384-7-1; blank detail specification: polystyrene film dielectric metal foil d.c. capacitors; assessment level E; identical with IEC 40(Central Office)617.

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E DIN IEC 40(CO)619:1986-10 1.10.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 40(CO)619:1986-10 Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment; IEC 384-13-1; blank detail specification: polypropylene film dielectric metal foil d.c. capacitors; assessment level E; identical with IEC 40(Central Office)619.

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E DIN IEC 60A(CO)96:1986-10 1.10.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 60A(CO)96:1986-10 Magnetic tape sound recording and reproducing systems; addition to IEC 94-10; recording of time and control code on 6,3 mm twin track audio tape; identical with IEC 60A(Central Office)96.

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E DIN IEC 12F(CO)86:1986-10 1.10.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 12F(CO)86:1986-10 Methods of measurement for radio equipment used in the mobile services; amendment to IEC 489-5, sub-clause 5.10 and clauses 20 trough 30; identical with IEC 12F(Central Office)86.

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E DIN IEC 40(CO)629:1986-10 1.10.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 40(CO)629:1986-10 Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment; IEC 384-10; sectional specification: multilayer ceramic chip capacitors; selection of methods of test, requirements and quality conformance inspections; identical with IEC 40(Central Office)629.

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Dostupnost: do 7 dnů

E DIN IEC 40(CO)612:1986-10 1.10.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 40(CO)612:1986-10 Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment; IEC 384-11; sectional specification: polyethylene-terephthalate film dielectric metal foil d.c. capacitors; selection of methods of test, requirements and quality assessment procedures; identical with IEC 40(Central Office)612.

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E DIN IEC 40(CO)614:1986-10 1.10.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 40(CO)614:1986-10 Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment; IEC 384-12; sectional specification: polycarbonate film dielectronic metal foil d.c. capacitors; selection of methods of test, requirements and quality assessment procedures; identical with IEC 40(Central Office)614.

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Dostupnost: do 7 dnů

E DIN IEC 40(CO)616:1986-10 1.10.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 40(CO)616:1986-10 Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment; IEC 384-7; sectional specification: polystyrene film dielectronic metal foil d.c. capacitors; selection of methods of test, requirements and quality assessment procedures; identical with IEC 40(Central Office)616.

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E DIN IEC 40(CO)618:1986-10 1.10.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 40(CO)618:1986-10 Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment; IEC 384-13; sectional specification: polypropylene film dielectric metal foil d.c. capacitors; selection of methods of test, requirements and quality assessment procedures; identical with IEC 40(Central Office)618.

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E DIN IEC 12E(CO)117:1986-10 1.10.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 12E(CO)117:1986-10 Methods of measurement for radio equipment used in satellite earth stations; measurements common to sub-systems and combinations of sub-systems; temperature measurements; identical with IEC 12E(Central Office)117.

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Dostupnost: do 7 dnů

E DIN VDE 0866:1986-10 1.10.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN VDE 0866:1986-10 Safety requirements for radio transmitting equipment; identical with IEC 12C(Central Office)186.

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E DIN IEC 84(CO)10:1986-04 1.4.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 84(CO)10:1986-04 Sound system equipment; concentric connectors for broadcast and similar use; identical with IEC 84(Central Office)10.

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Dostupnost: do 7 dnů

E DIN IEC 50B(CO)263:1986-09 1.9.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 50B(CO)263:1986-09 Electrical engineering; basic environmental testing procedures; guidance to IEC 68-2-10; test J: mould growth; identical with IEC 50B(Central Office)263.

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Dostupnost: do 7 dnů
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