E din iec 55 co 298 1986 04 1 4 1986

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E DIN IEC 55(CO)298:1986-04 1.4.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 55(CO)298:1986-04 Specification for particular types of winding wires; polyvinyl acetal enamelled round copper winding wires; class 120; identical with IEC 55(Central Office)298.

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E DIN IEC 55(CO)293:1986-04 1.4.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 55(CO)293:1986-04 Specification for particular types of winding wires; polyvinyl acetal enamelled round copper winding wires; class 105; identical with IEC 55(Central Office)293.

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E DIN IEC 55(CO)294:1986-04 1.4.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 55(CO)294:1986-04 Specification for particular types of winding wires; heat or solvent bonding solderable polyurethane enamelled round copper winding wires; class 130; identical with IEC 55(Central Office)294.

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E DIN IEC 55(CO)295:1986-04 1.4.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 55(CO)295:1986-04 Specification for particular tpyes of winding wires; solderable polyurethane enamelled round copper winding wires; class 130; identical with IEC 55(Central Office)295.

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E DIN IEC 55(CO)296:1986-04 1.4.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 55(CO)296:1986-04 Specification for particular types of winding wires; polyimide enamelled round copper winding wires; class 240; identical with IEC 55(Central Office)296.

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E DIN IEC 55(CO)297:1986-04 1.4.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 55(CO)297:1986-04 Specifications for particular types of winding wires; polyesterimide enamelled round copper winding wires; class 180; identical with IEC 55(Central Office)297.

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E DIN IEC 55(CO)299:1986-04 1.4.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 55(CO)299:1986-04 Specification for particular types of winding wires; polyester of polyesterimide overcoated with polyamide-imide enamelled round copper winding wires; class 200; identical with IEC 55(Central Office)299.

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E DIN IEC 80(CO)4:1986-04 1.4.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 80(CO)4:1986-04 Marine automatic radar plotting aids (ARPA); operational requirements; methods of testing and test results; identical with IEC 80(Central Office)4.

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E DIN IEC 3C(CO)123:1986-04 1.4.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 3C(CO)123:1986-04 Graphical symbols for telecommunication equipment; identical with IEC 3C(Central Office)123 and IEC 3C(Central Office)123A.

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E DIN IEC 84(CO)10:1986-04 1.4.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 84(CO)10:1986-04 Sound system equipment; concentric connectors for broadcast and similar use; identical with IEC 84(Central Office)10.

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E DIN IEC 12F(CO)85:1986-04 1.4.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 12F(CO)85:1986-04 Methods of measurement for radio equipment used in the mobile services; appendix F to IEC 60489-3 and IEC 60489-5; identical with IEC 12F(Central Office)85.

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E DIN IEC 50A(CO)171:1986-04 1.4.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 50A(CO)171:1986-04 Electrical engineering; basic environmental testing; test Eb: bump; amendment to IEC 68-2-29; identical with IEC 50A(Central Office)171.

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E DIN IEC 50C(CO)40:1986-04 1.4.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 50C(CO)40:1986-04 Electrical engineering; basic environmental testing; test T: soldering; amendment to IEC 68-2-20, edition 1979, sub-clause 5.6.3; identical with IEC 50C(Central Office)40.

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E DIN IEC 12G(CO)33:1986-04 1.4.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 12G(CO)33:1986-04 Cabled distribution systems; methods of measurement; TV and FM radio signal level; identical with IEC 12G(Central Office)33.

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E DIN IEC 12C(CO)183:1986-04 1.4.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 12C(CO)183:1986-04 Interconnections between broadcasting transmitters or transmitter systems and supervisory equipment; interface standards for systems using dedicated interconnections; supplement of section two, clause 11 to DIN IEC 12C(CO)163; identical with IEC 12C(Central Office)183.

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E DIN IEC 12C(CO)184:1986-04 1.4.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 12C(CO)184:1986-04 Interconnections between broadcasting transmitters or transmitter systems and supervisory equipment; interface standards for systems using dedicated interconnections; supplement of section four and five to DIN IEC 12C(CO)163; identical with IEC 12C(Central Office)184.

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E DIN IEC 12F(CO)84:1986-04 1.4.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 12F(CO)84:1986-04 Methods of measurement for radio equipment used in the mobile services; amendment to IEC 60489-2, sub-clauses 9.3.2 and 9.3.3; identical with IEC 12F(Central Office)84.

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E DIN IEC 12E(CO)101:1986-04 1.4.1986

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 12E(CO)101:1986-04 Methods of measurement for radio equipment used in satellite earth stations; methods of measurement for combinations of sub-systems; measurements for monochrome and colour television transmission; identical with IEC 12E(Central Office)101.

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Dostupnost: do 7 dnů
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