E din iec 84 co 62 1989 04 1 4 1989

Pro vyhledávací frázi E din iec 84 co 62 1989 04 1 4 1989 jsme na našem vyhledávači našli 12 výsledků. Nenašli jste přesně to, co jste hledali? Zkuste frázi E din iec 84 co 62 1989 04 1 4 1989 trochu pozměnit a opět zadat do vyhledávacího pole. Pevně věříme, že produkt, který hledáte v naší nabídce na srovnávači CoChceš.cz naleznete!

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E DIN IEC 84(CO)62:1989-04 1.4.1989

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 84(CO)62:1989-04 Audio-visual, video and television equipment and systems; audio cassette systems; amendment 2 to IEC 574-10; identical with IEC 84(Central Office)62.

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E DIN IEC 84(CO)61:1989-04 1.4.1989

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 84(CO)61:1989-04 Sound system equipment; preferred matching values for the interconnection of sound system components; amendment 1 to IEC 268-15; identical with IEC 84(Central Office)61.

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E DIN IEC 84(CO)65:1989-04 1.4.1989

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 84(CO)65:1989-04 Sound system equipment; application of connectors for the interconnection of sound system components; amendment 1 to IEC 268-11; identical with IEC 84(Central Office)65.

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E DIN IEC 84(CO)73A:1989-10 1.10.1989

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 84(CO)73A:1989-10 Audio-visual, video and television equipment and systems; prefered matching values for the interconnection of equipment in a system; amendment to IEC 574-4; identical with IEC 84(Central Office)73A.

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E DIN IEC 47(CO)1084:1989-04 1.4.1989

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 47(CO)1084:1989-04 Semiconductor devices; mechanical and climatic test methods; amendment to IEC 60749; identical with IEC 47(Central Office)1084.

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E DIN IEC 21(CO)307:1989-04 1.4.1989

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 21(CO)307:1989-04 Accumulators; aircraft batteries; design and construction requirements; identical with IEC 21(Central Office)307.

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E DIN IEC 47(CO)1092:1989-04 1.4.1989

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 47(CO)1092:1989-04 Semiconductor devices; amendment to the generic specification; IEC 60747-10/QC 700000; identical with IEC 47(Central Office)1092.

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E DIN IEC 47(CO)985:1989-04 1.4.1989

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 47(CO)985:1989-04 IEC quality assessment system for electronic components: blank detail specification for bipolar transistors for switching applications; identical with IEC 47(Central Office)985.

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E DIN IEC 47A(CO)182:1989-04 1.4.1989

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 47A(CO)182:1989-04 IEC quality assessment system for electronic compounts; blank detail specification: integrated film and hybrid circuits; qualification approval procedure; identical with IEC 47A(Central Office)182.

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E DIN IEC 27(CO)91:1989-04 1.4.1989

Neplatná norma E DIN IEC 27(CO)91:1989-04 Characteristics of electric infra-red-emitters for heating purposes; short wave infra-red-emitters; identical with IEC 27(Central Office)91.

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E DIN VDE 0109-12:1989-04 1.4.1989

Neplatná norma E DIN VDE 0109-12:1989-04 VDE 0109-12. Insulation co-ordination within low-voltage systems; dimensioning of clearance and creepage distance for basic supplementary and reinforced insulation; identical with IEC 28A(Central Office)23.

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E DIN VDE 0683-100:1989-04 1.4.1989

Neplatná norma E DIN VDE 0683-100:1989-04 VDE 0683-100. Portable apparatus for earthing and short-circuiting; freely guided devices for earthing and short-circuiting; identical with IEC 78(CO)32.

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Dostupnost: do 7 dnů
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