Gost r 57563 2017 1 10 2017
Pro vyhledávací frázi Gost r 57563 2017 1 10 2017 jsme na našem vyhledávači našli 135 výsledků. Nenašli jste přesně to, co jste hledali? Zkuste frázi Gost r 57563 2017 1 10 2017 trochu pozměnit a opět zadat do vyhledávacího pole. Pevně věříme, že produkt, který hledáte v naší nabídce na srovnávači CoChceš.cz naleznete!
GOST R 57563-2017 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST R 57563-2017 Buildings and structures information modeling. General principles for the development of buildings and constructucions information modelling standards
Více informacíGOST R 57432-2017 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST R 57432-2017 Packaging. Films of the biodegradable material. General specifications
Více informacíGOST R 57488-2017 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST R 57488-2017 Services for business. Classification and general requirements
Více informacíGOST R 57634-2017 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST R 57634-2017 Veterinary examination of unproductive animals. General requirements
Více informacíGOST R 57676-2017 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST R 57676-2017 Conformity assessment. Ensuring conscientiousness in the producing of goods, providing services, implementation of work. Qualitative indices of evaluation
Více informacíGOST 34068-2017 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST 34068-2017 Gas supply system. Natural gas production. Field pipelines. Mechanical safety. Pressure and leak tests
Více informacíGOST 34069-2017 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST 34069-2017 Gas supply system. Main pipeline gas transportation. Mobile compressor unit. Control and testing
Více informacíGOST 34070-2017 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST 34070-2017 Gas supply system. Main pipeline gas transportation. Mobile compressor unit. Technical requirements
Více informacíGOST R 54607.10-2017 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST R 54607.10-2017 Public catering services. Methods of laboratory quality control of products catering. Part 10. Determination of total ash
Více informacíGOST R 57654-2017 1.10.2018
Platná norma GOST R 57654-2017 Dusts of non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises. Method of arsenic mass content measuring
Více informacíGOST R 57655-2017 1.10.2018
Platná norma GOST R 57655-2017 Dusts of non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises. Methods of antimony mass content measuring
Více informacíGOST R 57376-2016 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST R 57376-2016 Copper ingots. Specifications
Více informacíGOST R 57155-2016 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST R 57155-2016 Medical electrical equipment. External defibrillators. Technical requirements for governmental purchases
Více informacíGOST R 57185-2016 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST R 57185-2016 Medical electrical equipment. Infusion pumps. Technical requirements for governmental purchases
Více informacíGOST R 57154-2016 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST R 57154-2016 Technical diagnostics. Monitoring of mechanical and heat npp equipment. General requirements
Více informacíGOST R 57184-2016 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST R 57184-2016 Medical electrical equipment. Devices and apparatus for cryoablation. Technical requirements for governmental purchases
Více informacíGOST R 57279-2016 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST R 57279-2016 Tourism services. Quality and safety assessment of mountain-skiing resorts services
Více informacíGOST R 57281-2016 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST R 57281-2016 Technical diagnostics. Monitoring system of resource of reactor installations equipment and piping. General requirements
Více informacíGOST R 52770-2016 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST R 52770-2016 Medical devices. Safety requirements. Methods of sanitation-chemical and toxicological tests
Více informacíGOST R 56330-2016 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST R 56330-2016 Medical equipment. Technical means of placement and transfer of patients in the prehospital. General technical requirements and test methods
Více informacíGOST R 57209-2016 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST R 57209-2016 Vibration. Guidance for selection of vibration generating machines. Equipment for measurements of dynamic properties of structures
Více informacíGOST R 57210-2016 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST R 57210-2016 Vibration. Guidance for selection of vibration generating machines. Equipment to be used in a shock mode
Více informacíGOST R 57223-2016 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST R 57223-2016 Technical diagnostics. Evaluation of steel pipelines condition under the parameters of the deformation relief in operation. General requirements
Více informacíGOST R 57282-2016 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST R 57282-2016 Calculation and strength testing. Determination of damage under low-cycle fatigue of steel. General requirements
Více informacíGOST R 57283-2016 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST R 57283-2016 Calculation and strength testing. Acoustic method for determination of damage under thermocyclic fatigue of steel. General requirements
Více informacíGOST R 57284-2016 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST R 57284-2016 Calculation and strength testing. Acoustic method for determination of damage under low-cycle fatigue of steel. General requirements
Více informacíGOST R 57307-2016 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST R 57307-2016 Fire equipment. Self-rescue filtering devices for protection of children from 1,5 to 7 years old against toxic products at rescue from smoking buildings during fire. General technical requirements. Test methods
Více informacíGOST R 57308-2016 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST R 57308-2016 Fire equipment. Camera protection for children for protection of the children 1,5 years against toxic products at rescue from smoking buildings from fire. Protective devices for children for rescue of new born and small babys out of smoking areas during f
Více informacíGOST R ISO 6947-2017 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST R ISO 6947-2017 Welding and allied processes. Welding positions
Více informacíGOST R ISO 22263-2017 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST R ISO 22263-2017 Model of construction works data organization. Framework for management of design information
Více informacíGOST R ISO 2553-2017 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST R ISO 2553-2017 Welding and allied processes. Symbolic representation on drawings. Welded joints
Více informacíGOST R 56891.5-2017 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST R 56891.5-2017 The preservation of cultural heritage. Terms and definitions. Part 5. Wooden architecture
Více informacíGOST R 56891.6-2017 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST R 56891.6-2017 The preservation of cultural heritage. Terms and definitions. Part 6. Stone architecture
Více informacíGOST R ISO 17662-2017 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST R ISO 17662-2017 Welding. Calibration, verification and validation of equipment used for welding, including ancillary activities
Více informacíGOST R ISO 2017-3-2016 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST R ISO 2017-3-2016 Vibration and shock. Resilient mounting systems. Part 3. Technical information for application of vibration isolation to new buildings
Více informacíGOST R ISO 12006-2-2017 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST R ISO 12006-2-2017 Building construction. Model of construction works data organization. Part 2. Basis of information classification
Více informacíGOST R ISO 12006-3-2017 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST R ISO 12006-3-2017 Building. Model of construction works data organization. Part 3. Basis for object-oriented information interchange
Více informacíGOST R ISO 13920-2017 1.10.2017
Platná norma GOST R ISO 13920-2017 Welding. General tolerances for welded constructions. Dimensions for lengths and angles. Shape and position
Více informacíGOST 13496.10-2017 1.1.2019
Platná norma GOST 13496.10-2017 Compound feeds. Method for the determination of smut fungi spors content
Více informacíGOST 34090.1-2017 1.10.2018
Platná norma GOST 34090.1-2017 Solid biofuel. Determination of mechanical durability of pellets and briquettes. Part 1. Pellets
Více informacíGOST 8756.10-2015 1.1.2017
Platná norma GOST 8756.10-2015 Fruit and vegetable products. Methods for determination of volume and mass fraction of the pulp
Více informacíGOST 34264-2017 1.10.2018
Platná norma GOST 34264-2017 Polymeric transport containers. General specifications
Více informacíGOST R 57392-2017 1.1.2018
Platná norma GOST R 57392-2017 Information technology. Service management. Part 10. Concepts and terminology
Více informacíGOST 34370-2017 1.10.2018
Platná norma GOST 34370-2017 Plastics. Determination of tensile properties. Part 1. General principles
Více informacíGOST ISO 21128-2017 1.10.2018
Platná norma GOST ISO 21128-2017 Cork stoppers. Determination of oxidizing residues quantity. Iodometric titration method
Více informacíGOST 23206-2017 1.10.2018
Platná norma GOST 23206-2017 Rigid cellular plastics. Determination of compression properties
Více informacíGOST ISO 18613-2017 1.10.2018
Platná norma GOST ISO 18613-2017 Pallets for materials handling. Repair of flat wooden pallets
Více informacíGOST 19109-2017 1.10.2018
Platná norma GOST 19109-2017 Plastics. Method for determination of Izod impact strength
Více informacíGOST 34089-2017 1.10.2018
Platná norma GOST 34089-2017 Solid biofuel. Determination of length and diameter of pellets
Více informacíGOST 34091-2017 1.10.2018
Platná norma GOST 34091-2017 Solid biofuel. Product quality index system
Více informacíGOST 34092-2017 1.10.2018
Platná norma GOST 34092-2017 Solid biofuel. Conversion of analytical results on different basis
Více informacíGOST 34272-2017 1.10.2018
Platná norma GOST 34272-2017 Glass packaging. Vacuum lug finishes. Types 63, 66, 70 - deep
Více informacíGOST 34273-2017 1.10.2018
Platná norma GOST 34273-2017 Glass packaging. Vacuum lug finishes - 63, 66, 70 regular
Více informacíGOST ISO 16420-2017 1.10.2018
Platná norma GOST ISO 16420-2017 Cork. Cork stoppers for still wine. Mechanical and physical specifications
Více informacíGOST 34371-2017 1.10.2018
Platná norma GOST 34371-2017 Plastics. Determination of temperature of deflection under load. Part 1. General test method
Více informacíGOST ISO 18333-2017 1.10.2018
Platná norma GOST ISO 18333-2017 Pallets for materials handling. Characteristics of new wooden components for flat pallets
Více informacíGOST 5520-2017 1.10.2018
Platná norma GOST 5520-2017 Rolled non-alloy and alloy steel plates for boilers and pressure vessels. Specifications
Více informacíGOST 34090.2-2017 1.10.2018
Platná norma GOST 34090.2-2017 Solid biofuel. Determination of mechanical durability of pellets and briquettes. Part 2. Briquettes
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